Over the years, this has been a recurring question posed to me. I’ve always been amazed by how clueless guys really are. I got into making videos way back in the early 2000s. Back then, it was rare to see women of size squashing with such intensity. Sure, it existed. I certainly wasn’t The Original. I think that title would go to Queen Adrena, but maybe even she had a predecessor. If you aren’t familiar with Queen Adrena, sadly, she has passed, and her website no longer exists. Yay for technology, though! If you’d like to see some of my earliest web experiences with squashing content, you can click this link and travel back to 2001 using the Wayback Machine. Those were the days, I tell ya! Or maybe it’s just nostalgia… I don’t know. Seeing Adrena and her models for the first time on the screen as a boy will forever be etched in my brain. It forged this very path I’m on, personally.
From Adrena, some of the early greats were thrust into the squash world. Think Goddess Patty (RIP)! Her website, too, is now defunct, but you can still see it using the Wayback Machine. It was my personal conversations with Patty that really got me to take the leap and start Full Weight Productions. It haunts me that we never got to work together… we had it all planned out but it just never materialized.
The point is, this stuff was pretty darned rare back then.
Given the rarity, I sort of get where guys were coming from when they would ask, “How do you find these women?” But even back then, knowing full well they likely lived in the United States, I couldn’t resist responding with, “Well, I’m lucky. You see… here in the USA fat women abound. Something like 70% of our population is overweight or obese. What country do you live in?” The smartassery was coming from a place of frustration, at least in part. Like… stop being so lazy. Open your eyes; fat women are all around us! Establish connections and make stuff happen. It’s not that hard, man! It also came from a place of wisdom. I wanted these guys to realize that most things in life worth having actually require work. There is no easy button here. They were quick to claim, “You’re so lucky.” Never mind the hours upon hours of relationship forming that has gone into what you see on Full Weight Productions. Luck would be taking a nap on a random park bench and having a supersized goddess of a woman mistakenly sit on you. It is not repeatedly and intentionally meeting women, establishing relationships with them, and creating conditions in which they feel comfortable enough to work with me time and time again.
I think they thought I had some secret portal where scores of fat women were lining up wanting to squash skinny men. They just needed the invite. I suppose it’s no different than any other area of life. Young people want “all the money” but they don’t want to pay their dues. Young athletes want the championship trophy but don’t want to put in the work it takes to achieve it. We’ve become a culture that celebrates the ideal outcomes while ignoring the long struggle it takes to obtain them. It’s a perspective that, unfortunately, screws up expectations and work ethic… but I digress.
Back to the typical exchange. They’d then respond with something like, “Bro, I am from the States, and there’s no women like that around here. Where are you finding them?”
Oh, brother! Somedays, it takes all the patience in the world not to go crazy with the block button. If you’re of the opinion that there are no fat women living near you… and you live in America; well, let’s just say I have a bridge to sell you. To that you might be thinking, “No asshole. I know there are fat women around. But none that are into squashing.” To that, I would say, “Well, dipshit, very few of the women you see gracing my website had any experience with squashing before meeting me. Soooo what say you?” You see… the missing link for you isn’t the lack of women. It’s actually your inability to convince real women to want to try this with you. It’s really that simple.
Within the context of today’s squash content landscape, it’s even lamer that guys struggle. Gone are the days when only a handful of us were creating real squash content. Nowadays? My god… I’m not even at the top. Off the top of my head, creators such as Queen Krusha, Thickalicious Entertainment, Extreme Smother Queens, and others are taking the intensity further than I ever have. Heck, I even have multiple customers asking for car crush videos. They send me videos of skinny women driving cars up onto men’s stomachs and then getting out and trampling their chests while the tire remains on the guy. They want to see big women do that to me! Just when I thought I had maxed out what was possible, these great folks have gone and taken things to a whole new level! As a long time fan and creator, I love seeing it. I love having my walls of certainty shattered regarding what’s possible.
And forget the top creators in the niche. Today, every Tonia, Vick, and Carrie (play on Tom, Dick, and Harry for the uninitiated) has their own OnlyFans page. I’d argue that more women are creating squash content today than at any other time in history.
The landscape has morphed. There are a lot more players on the field today. And yet, I still get asked on a weekly basis, “Where the heck do you find these women?” It wasn’t enough in the early days that most women in America were fat. Now, it’s not even sufficient that there has been a population explosion of fat women who are squashing on camera.
I’m left to ask you guys…
What the heck more do you need???!!!
Without fail, I’ll hear something back like, “Dude, it’s easy for you since you have a reputation and a store.”
Sure, I respect that. I really do. I’m in the fortunate position today where women are contacting me wanting to be in my videos. But… and this is a big but (we have a lot of those around here)… it wasn’t always this way! I didn’t start out with a roster full of willing participants. What’s more, I was making private videos long before I started Full Weight Productions. Some of my closest fans know this to be true… they’ve seen some of the content. I’d post still frames from some of these private videos here, but that would violate compliance with 2257 regulations. So instead, I’ll post an obligatory picture from a recent shoot with the mind bendingly hot SpanxBeluga.

Or do you prefer a black ssbbw? How about the stunning Miss Juicy?

Or maybe you prefer bbw over the supersized variety. How about the gorgeous Laydy Em?

Or bbws aren’t really your thing and you prefer chubby women? Then I’m sure you love the curvacious Chaleesi!

Heck, we even have women who are lighter if that’s your thing. Felicity has a lot of fans around here!

What’s that you say… none of these women are heavy enough for your taste? Well they don’t get much bigger or more beautiful than the amazing Mz Fluff!

I posted all those pictures mostly because I know, in reality, y’all love them. Plus, this blog would be a lot more boring if it were all words and no glamour! But I also want to make it clear… I could’ve just as easily posted as many pictures of women I’ve filmed with that you’ve never seen. I’ve been doing this for a long time. And while the playing field has certainly changed, the way to get squashed hasn’t.
So here ya go! Finally, I’m going to tell you the secret to getting squashed.
Ya ready?
Are you sure?
Here it is…
Stop being such a horny dirtball!
If there’s one factor that has contributed to the success of Full Weight Productions more than any other, it’s that I have always approached these women with respect. And having been out there for as long as I have, I’ve had no shortage of guys sending me DMs on my socials, thinking they’re talking directly to the women on my pages. The level of idiocy I see never ceases to amaze me. If you think leading with your best dick pic is going to increase your chances of getting squashed, you might as well jump head first off your dresser. Only a knock on your noggin has the chance of straightening out your obscenely misguided perspective of how this world works.
There are no special websites or places that I’ve used to meet new women. Back in the day, most of the women I would meet came from Yahoo Messenger, which was the best platform ever for meeting new people. Then MySpace. And now, as the social media landscape evolved, I’ve used all the mainstream outlets. No website has proven more fruitful than the other.
I promise you. It’s not where you live. And it’s not the websites you visit.
Luscious Luna? She came from Yahoo Messenger.
BigmommaKat? She came from FetLife. So did Laydy Em.
Queen Nora? She came from Feabie. So did Chaleesi. And Sugar.
SpanxBeluga? She was introduced to me by a mutual fan on Instagram. Same goes for Avery and April.
Bobbi Jo and I first connected on Facebook. Same goes for Savannah. Oh, and Juicy Joyce.
Felicity I met locally, in public. Mystique, too. Oh, and Mistress Lia.
Juicy? I crossed paths with her on Tagged. She invited her friend Thick along to participate in our first shoot.
Miss GG? I met her through a blog she kept on Tumblr. During the first shot, her sister, Lexi, watched from the corner, vowing never to try squashing. Lo and behold, she became a regular around here, too.
I know I’m leaving some out. The point is… where you first meet a woman is unimportant. What matters is YOU. What sort of vibe are you sending? And I get it. This is squashing we’re talking about. It’s a fetish. But that doesn’t invite you to be an utter asshole to the women you encounter. Elevate yourself slightly above caveman-level-wit if you genuinely want to unlock these sorts of experiences on a regular basis. “Me likey here dic pic plz call me” just doesn’t cut it. Sorry pal.
The way I see it today, there are 4 main avenues to getting squashed, and here they are from most difficult to easiest:
- Actually commit yourself to a woman. If you build a lasting relationship with a woman rooted in love and trust, fun with squashing will be a regular part of your lifestyle with her. In fact, I’d argue it’s the best avenue. Far from the easiest. But the best. Sharing squashing with someone you love – for fun and in intimacy – is the most incredible experience ever. Having the courage and forethought to openly express your likes and dislikes early on in a relationship with your partner is critical. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re seriously involved with a partner and yet still can’t crack the code… your problem is from within, I assure you. You owe it to your partner and yourself to lean into the vulnerability and open up to her. She deserves to know all of you. Not just some of you. And if she’s not okay with parts of you that truly matter, then she’s not the one.
- If you’re not in the market for a serious relationship, believe it or not there are women out there that are open to trying new things and having a random adventure. Again, I made private videos like this for years. I’d cross paths with a beautiful woman and I’d approach her in a way that honored her safety, trust, and personality. Make no mistake, you have to be great at holding a conversation. You have to be honest and genuine. You have to be well-spoken. You can’t lead them on. Based on how I’ve seen many guys interact with models, I’d wager that most aren’t equipped to make this work. They come across too sleazily. And these women are far from stupid. They know in very short order whether you are scummy or not. Don’t kid yourself. And for the love of god, be open about your intentions early in the conversation. That might seem counterintuitive, but it saves everyone the time and agony of being led on and blindsided. Most won’t be interested in this kind of fun, and that’s okay. Don’t try to force it. Instead, keep mingling with others. You will cross paths with someone who’s DTS (I assume most of you will catch what I’m saying there).
- Become a producer. Back when I was making private videos, the process of meeting random women to experience squashing with was quite intimate. Like I alluded to above, it takes real, human work and connection to strike up the kind of mutual energy where squashing happens in a chance encounter. Nowadays, with an official company, accountant, attorney, insurance, legal agreements, 2257 compliance standards, a website, camera equipment, video editing software, years-old social media profiles showcasing our content, paid shoots with official shoot rates, etc… it’s a lot less intimate. But it’s more official. I’ll admit, I miss the old days when it wasn’t so transactional. There’s something seriously special about squashing merely for the sake of the adventure and experience. But make no mistake… it’s certainly easier to find women willing to squash if you’re a content creator. It’s just a different vibe when you’re meeting some stranger to randomly sit on them compared to when you’re meeting a producer to do work. But this, too, isn’t for everyone. It takes a certain kind of person to run a business like this successfully.
- And finally, here’s the angle that is beyond easy. It shocks me that guys overlook this. And it shocks me even more that many of the ones who do consider it still find a way to screw it up. With so many women now creating squash content on their own, guess what they need? Willing seats who will lay their bodies down to get smashed. Not all of them, of course. Some have dedicated seats. But most? They’re looking for seats, and all that stands between you and your squashing fantasies is booking a private session, traveling to her, getting a room, and laying the hell down. I’ve seen guys say, “But can’t they just come to me?” Umm… nope! It’s much easier for you to travel than it is for a big girl. Plus, get over yourself. When I was young and a nobody, I would literally drive across multiple states to experience this. It’s worth it. Trust me. And you likely don’t have to. Every damn state in the country likely has a woman or two, at a minimum, putting out squash content. Start making inquiries! Even if some don’t, there are definitely women who are putting out some flavor of adult content in your state. And they will almost certainly be far more willing to entertain the idea of adding squash content to their websites compared to some random, non-model from the street. If I were in your shoes, I have no doubt in my mind that I could have five private sessions booked in an hour if I was so inclined simply by scrolling through Instagram or Fetlife. Who needs luck when you simply have to book a session?
This is not my normal blog post. I get it. It’s more of a rant and it’s likely to rub some of your wrong. That’s ok. If you’re butt hurt after reading this, you likely needed to hear it. And please recognize where I’m coming from. For decades, I’ve received multiple messages and emails per day across all platforms. At least 12 per day. It’s usually only one or two of them that are normal and worthy of my respect and attention. And don’t even get me started on what the women have to deal with! There’s a good reason why most women I’ve worked with over the years are no longer public on social media.
After a while, it wears you down. I know it has me. I don’t want to dissuade anyone from reaching out to me. Please don’t get it twisted. I love hearing from the fans. I want to hear about your requests. I want to answer your questions. But please come correct. And if not for me, do it for yourself. If you hold yourself to a higher standard, your chance of success will compound. Even existing models who are doing sessions… they are not just sessionning with any random guy. They’re careful and selective, rightfully so.
Now go get squashed the right way.
Hello! I’m still very interested in becoming a model for you…or if you know someone in Tucson who is searching for models, even better!
I was on Fetlife for awhile but the men there didn’t seem to want to chat via email…
I suppose I’m asking “where do I find these men?”
What a great question! Unfortunately I think the best you can do is to be very “out there” on social media. Instagram and Twitter seem to be the best bets. And if you’re doing it right… by consistently posting pics and offers for private sessions, you’ll get them. Build it and they will come! Orrrr, you can just mosey on up here to PA and do it proper. 🙂
I thoroughly enjoyed that article.
Lay out people who won’t treat these women more than a fetish.
Glad to see you keep going. I’ve been a fan of your Studio for quite a while.
Maybe one day I’ll try it. Definitely some aspects that I don’t know if I’d be ready for.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot! I appreciate you tuning in and for your support. And if it’s something that appeals to you, let me just say it frankly. You’re crazy for NOT trying it. Have fun!
One day I’ll travel to you and do this. Gotta save up as I need to fly to you.
Where do you live?
Ottawa Canada
You don’t need to come here! Obesity and overweight rates are sky high in Canada, too.
Very good blog post!
I found the Lady’s who squashed me by asking on websites and traveled there.
That’s maybe why I asked sometimes where is she from or how to contact? Just because I am from Europe
Good work and love your videos
Thank you for rule number 4. Men Who want to be seats really don’t recognise how much travel takes it out of a fat body. Good blog post overall 👍🏽
You’re welcome. Thank YOU for reading and for the kind words. I appreciate it. There’s a lot most guys don’t recognize. Unfortunately, we aren’t wired for empathy like women, in general, are. And even more unfortunately, by the time a guy finds his way to your inbox, he’s typically lacking a lot of blood up top because it all traveled down below… if you catch my drift.