For the most part, the women you see featured on Full Weight Productions had little to no experience with squashing before crossing paths with us. Once squashing was brought up, an invariable question I’d encounter was…
But why?
It’s a logical question, of course. Most any random person “from the street” would look at the act of squashing and wonder, “Why the heck would anyone subject themselves to that?” But that’s just it. The people who come around here are definitely NOT “random people from the street.” We are lovers of big women and we’re infatuated with the act of feeling their weight on top of our bodies.
If you’re new around here and haven’t read the inaugural blog post, I suggest you do. Especially if you want an in depth explanation of what a woman’s weight means to people like us.
Knowing that people like us love it, however, is not enough to motivate most women to try it. Most of these beautiful women have been told their entire lives that they’re too big for “this” or too big for “that.” The thought of placing their full weight on another human – usually a smaller human at that – just lights up all sorts of anxiety warnings in their brains.
I’m too big.
I don’t want to hurt you.
Guys don’t want to see me.
I’ve been hiding my weight all my life. I can’t do this.
Again… I get it. At first glance, it can look like a lot of potential downside without a lot of upside. If all you’ve ever listened to was society or your inner-critic, the act of squashing likely seems ridiculous or impossible. You’re bound by the confines of your insecurities, self-judgements, and fears. It’s just not for you, right?
Before you write it off completely, however, hear me out.
Given the many years I’ve been featuring various women on the website, obviously quite a few women learn to overcome these initial concerns and break free of their self-imposed shackles. Thank goodness, too, as tremendous fun has been had and friendships born from these crazy adventures we’ve had.
I know it has changed me in a very good way.
And a number of these women would say the same.

So what’s to love about it… especially if you’re a woman?
Let’s keep this as simple as possible. I wanted to condense things down to a list that could i) help women understand this better who might be considering trying squashing and ii) help guys figure out better ways to communicate their love for squashing with the women they adore.
On this list, I’ll be referring to the women as “you.” Conversely, I’ll be referring to the “seats” as “us” or “we.”
The List
- First and foremost, we like it. No… actually we LOVE it. While you may have felt the need to hide your weight throughout your life, we actually lust it. It’s the entire package, really. The curves, the softness, the dimples… literally all of it. And your weight? Well, that’s the part we can’t see with our eyes. The only way to truly experience it is by getting under it.
There’s something about the power of your weight that is hypnotizing. It’s very hard to put into words. Suffice it to say, it’s like a drug in a way. I’ve never done hardcore drugs, but from what I gather, they have the power to take over your life and consciousness. Everything else sort of fades away.
Well, with squashing… the same thing happens. All of our problems. Our concerns. Our commitments. Our responsibilities. Literally everything. It all just fades away into the background leaving nothing but YOU. While you’re always a goddess. In this moment, when everything else fades away, you’re hypnotic. Every fiber of our being winds up being in service of you in these brief moments.
When you’re sharing this part of your power with us, we have no choice but to succumb to all that makes you beautiful. In that moment, we are at your mercy and we wouldn’t have it any other way. - Outside of the rare outlier, we know that most women wind up loving it, too. Sure, at first it might seem strange. In the end, though, it’s a very powerful experience that’s shared between two (or more) people. At first it’s scary. You fear hurting us. You fear being judged. You fear using your weight in this powerful way. It’s hard to lean into your vulnerability and step through the fear.
Time and time again, the fear proves to be very superficial and temporary. In quick order, you realize that you’re not going to injure us. What’s more, you realize that the entire experience helps you feel more powerful. When you’re able to let go of your fears and let loose with your weight on someone who truly worships it, it’s as if a switch gets flipped. You learn to love your power and the respect he has for it.
And we love this. We love seeing that switch in you. You deserve to embrace and experience this part of your existence. - It’s an unforgettable adventure. I want you to stop and consider this please. Like really, fully immerse yourself in these thoughts as if they were actually happening. See yourself in the situation I’m about to describe.
You’re standing there looking down on a smaller guy who’s laying on his back on the floor. He’s looking up at you. You can see the excitement in his face. You’re both a little nervous. You’re trying trampling for the first time. You never thought you’d consider standing on a man… no way no how. Yet, here you are. You have butterflies – nerves and excitement fluttering around like crazy in your gut. You imagine this is how it feels just before jumping off the edge of the bridge when you’re bungee jumping or jumping out of an airplane when you’re skydiving. “This is truly crazy” you think to yourself.
You apprehensively step up. One foot onto his chest and then the other onto his belly. You feel your feet sink into him. You might even feel his heart pounding under your foot. His back might make some popping sounds. No worries, it’s just the sexiest, awesomest spinal adjustment ever. The best chiropractor in the world doesn’t have shit on you! He lets out a whoosh as the air is smooshed out of his lungs. He’s grunting and groaning and you’re worried he’s dying. Yet, you peer down around your voluptuous, sexy hip to see his face. Immediately you notice a giant smile across his bright red, straining face. It’s obvious he’s in heaven.
After 20-30 seconds he’s tapping rapidly on your lower leg for a mercy. You step down and all of a sudden you’re not scared anymore. You crossed a mental and physical barrier and it’s invigorating. You want to try more. You want to see what he can take. You feel powerful and you, yourself, are starting to embrace the drug-like effects of your power and the control it has over him.
No matter how many times we do squashing, we remember every single experience. We being you and us. It probably has something to do with the heightened senses and the intensity of the experience. Regardless, memories that are exciting, fun, and last a lifetime are fun to collect. This ride we call life is so dang short. And many people seem to be drowning in monotony. They don’t take risks. They don’t leave their comfort zones. Life is on repeat. Squashing is such a great detour that’s sure to awaken parts in you that you never knew existed. - It’s a challenge. There’s something edgy and exhilarating about pushing limits. It’s like going to the gym. People love breaking PRs as they’re often referred to, meaning personal records. And while it might seem objectifying to think about squashing in this light, breaking new ground is exhilarating for you and us! It’s a way to live on the edge, if only for a moment, with someone who’s thoroughly enjoying it. It provides an extra element of curiosity, play, and adventure. It’s almost like being a kid again. Who doesn’t like flirting with limits? It’s baked into our DNA as humans to live on the edge from time to time.
- It’s about the pressure, not the pain. I’m often asked, “Doesn’t it hurt?” I’m quick to answer, “Nope!” I’ve never felt pain while being squashed. Seats love pressure. Relating back to the first item on this list, pressure is our drug addiction. Even 1,000 lbs of pressure standing on us across two sets of feet does not hurt. Instead, it’s like an extremely powerful hit of our drug of choice.
Sure, it’s hard (if not impossible) to breathe. Yes, we’re straining with every ounce of strength we have to support your bodacious, beautiful body. But hurting we are not.
Maybe it’s something from the womb when we were babies. The feeling of tight quarters being immersed in constrictive warmth eases our minds. Maybe to others, all this pressure would actually hurt. But our brains most certainly don’t register it as pain. Quite the contrary. Even though such pressure bulges our veins, bends our bones, strains our muscles, and flattens our lungs… we can’t get enough of it.
Pressure = Pleasure. - The anticipation is wild. One of the best parts of it, frankly. Granted, this is more for us than you. But some women learn to leverage the anticipation – to have fun with it and use it to their advantage. There are two parts to the anticipation.
The first is the immediate lead up to you sitting down onto us or standing up onto us. Either way, we’re just laying there looking up at your amazing size knowing full well what’s about to happen and how intense it’s going to be. As gorgeous as you are in general, it’s magnified a thousand times when we’re on our backs looking up from this vantage point. That perspective is literally to die for.
The second part of anticipation happens once you’re on top of us. The pressure and control are so absolute that at that point, we’re putty in your fingers. Short of tapping you for a mercy or gasping for air… we’re powerless. And under such intense pressure, we’re left to wonder and antipate what you’re going to do next. The most subtle of movements that are meaningless to you might make a world of difference to us. Not knowing what you might do next is quite possibly the sexiest, most thrilling thing in the world to people like us. - Another amazing part of this is experiencing your naivety. This isn’t meant as insult. Let’s say that you’re 450 sensual pounds. For the record, there are women who work at Full Weight Productions who are much, much heavier. And also women who are much, much lighter. They’re all amazing. But 450 lbs is a great weight for squashing. You possess the ability to push any guy, and pushing’s what they want!
Sure, simply sitting on their chest while their laying on a soft surface might take awhile. But you can certainly get a creative and find his limits in a hurry without a lot of effort.
The thing is, you have no idea what your power feels like. You’re naive. And that, to us, is so exciting and sexy. We love that you don’t understand the power. That you could crush us like bugs and yet, you’ll graciously give us every ounce that you have while laughing, watching a TV program, checking your phones, etc.
You’re just sitting there being pretty while we ecstatically fight for our lives. And that’s just it. You have this innocent relationship with gravity. Because of your larger size, gravity makes it so that you feel heavier on Earth. Yes, yes… we know you know you’re heavy. But you can’t possibly comprehend what that heaviness does to us. And the less you seem to care about how intense it is for us to handle, the more thrilling and sexy it is. - Money. I hesitated adding this to the list but it’s the reality of the situation. For many, squashing will never transcend being something that’s done in private with your special someone. However, for those so inclined, there’s a real market for squash content. That’s how Full Weight Productions started all those years ago. There weren’t many people putting out heavy, authentic footage and so we stepped in. Nowadays, the industry has morphed. There are so many more opportunities to make money through squashing. Obviously you could model for us. But I’m not shy about also helping women setup their own stores or sites, too. No cost. No strings attached. I just love seeing people have fun with squashing… and it’s even better if you’re getting paid while you do it. Who would’ve thunk we’d see a time where you can get paid to step on a guy who drools over you? What a time to be alive, haha!

That’s my list. Now I want to hear from you? Seriously… don’t stay quiet. If you derived something from this, I want to hear from you. Man or woman. Squasher or squashee. Let’s be more interactive around here.
If you’re a seasoned pro, let’s hear your list in the comments. Or if you’re someone who wants to try it, let’s hear how my list helped you in the comments. Or if you have questions, by all means, spell them out and let’s address them!
Happy squashings!
I’m in Tucson, Az…I’ve been interested in squashing for many years but haven’t been able to figure out how to go about it…I want to model for you! Currently 350#