Many folks assume that BigmommaKat was a model before gracing FWP with her presence. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the closest she had come to doing this sort of stuff online was creating a profile on FetLife.
I receive endless inquiries about how and where I find my models. It’s amusing, as most of these inquiries are coming from men who live in the good ol’ United States of America. Ya know… the country where obesity rates are sky high and big women are everywhere. What do you mean where do I find large women? Open your damn eyes… they’re everywhere!
I know. I know. You’re knee-jerk response to that is, “Not where I live. At least not the women I meet!” Newsflash. The women I meet aren’t “into squashing.” I simply present it in a way that’s inviting and exciting. I also treat them as, ya know, interesting humans that I want to be involved with. All without even using a “dick pic.” Could you believe that!?
I kid, I kid. But there’s a lot of truth in what I’m saying, too. Most guys can’t seem to make this happen for the simple fact that they don’t know how to interact with women in a way that’s not insanely creepy. But let’s digress… as this isn’t at all what this is about. This is about the amazing BigmommaKat.
So there’s no magic bullet in terms of where I find women who are open to trying modeling. It’d be pretty epic if there was some special website where large women posted profiles about how they love squashing and are looking for willing victims. To my knowledge… that sort of thing doesn’t exist.
The truth is…
There’s no rhyme or reason to where I’ve found women who wanted to try this stuff out. Many of the platforms have come and gone. Yahoo Messenger was the best. Like… absolute best. But others have died off, too, like Myspace, AIM, etc. Today I’ll turn to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikToc, Feabie, and, yes…
FetLife is where I stumbled upon BigmommaKat’s profile. In fact, a loyal fan of our content saw Kat chatting on FetLife about squashing. She never had the opportunity to try it but she thought it looked fun.
What’s really cool is the fact that FetLife keeps messages indefinitely it seems. I just went back to find the original message I sent Kat 6 years ago that started what would ultimately become one of the most prolific modeling runs in FWP’s history. And also… what would ultimately be the origins of one of the greatest squashers of all time.
In full transparency, that message read:
Sorry to barge in on you, but a little birdie told me that you might be interested in squashing. While I’m sure that you’ve heard from a number of guys who are ready and willing, I’m likely the “most serious player” in the game. I was sent the conversation that you were part of that contained a link to a clips4sale store belonging to Luscious Luna, a 530 lb squash model. Not only do I manage her store… I’m also the guy in her videos. I’m the one who taught her about squashing and helped her get started with her own store. I also started my own store called Full Weight Productions which you can find here. I understand that you live quite a distance from me. Where in XXXX are you? More importantly, is this ever something that you’d consider doing? Or was this more of an “off the cuff” conversation that you really didn’t expect to gain traction? I’d love the opportunity to chat about how all of this could unfold if you’re genuinely interested.
For the record, ordinarily when I initially reach out to a woman, it’s a “cold case.” Meaning I have no idea if she’s interested in squashing. Heck, I’m not even sure if she’s ever even heard of squashing. In most cases, she hasn’t believe it or not. That’s right… most of the women who you see on FWP had no knowledge of squashing before crossing paths with me. In this case, however, obviously Kat was already warm to the idea, which made things a lot easier. In fact, her response to my initial message went as follows:
When you’re a woman of my size it’s hard to find willing partners. I’m new to the squashing/trampling scene and I really want to do it. Thing is for my first time I really want someone that can be patient, understanding, and help me learn without breaking something in the process, lol. At the same time if my victim knows what they can handle I’m all for giving it to them, lol. I hope to be given the chance one day. I live in XXXX. It would be very hard for me to travel so I need someone to come to me. Anyway love your videos and I hope the women make money with this too.
I should’ve seen the writing between the lines. When a woman her size (600+ lbs) not only talks about wanting to try squashing, but also trampling… ya know she’s going to be a killer. And we know how history played out in this case. BigmommaKat delivered some of the most bone crushing weight punishment the world has ever seen. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
I was in no position to make the trek to her. She was a good 10 hour drive from me and frankly that’s just not something I’m willing to do when there are so many willing participants around me. I’m especially unwilling for an unknown, new model. For all I know she’s not going to be into it and the squashing’s going to be mild and timid making for subpar content. However, given the popularity of my website… I hear from a lot of guys who want to partake in this.
No lie… the vast majority of these guys don’t even get a reply. Their first message to me is so lame, so disrespectful, or so distasteful that it’s an instant delete. However, a few always standout and they’re treated professionally. If an opportunity arises to link them up with one of my distant models… we make it happen.
That’s where Big Boi came into the picture. He lives reasonably close to BigmommaKat. I purchased a camera and tripod for Kat and the rest is history. The quality of the videos were pretty awful but the action in those early day clips was mesmerizing. She did things to Big Boi hardly any first time squasher would do… especially one weighing well over 600 lbs!

The moment I saw this content I knew that this woman was special. She was gorgeous from head to toe. And more importantly for this particular context… she freaking brought it! Most women Kat’s size are initially afraid to really toss their weight around. Heck… many can’t even physically step up onto someone to trample for example. Yet, here she was dancing around on a guy as if he was unbreakable. I knew I had to get a shoot with her.
The Big Trip
Here’s something most don’t understand. Traveling ain’t easy for a 600 lb woman. Whatever mode of transportation you’re talking… it’s tight quarters for a big, luscious body. Especially for any meaningful periods of time. I know we get a lot of requests for our models to travel to various corners of the globe to do private sessions. Sorry… it just doesn’t work like that.
With Kat, though, she had never left her home town before. I floated the idea of paying for a trip to the Northeast to get her up here to film. It’s another reason why I have so much love for the woman. Most would have turned it down… but she leapt at the opportunity to have such an adventure.
Once I knew it was a possibility, I immediately went to the drawing board. We decided that a train would be most conducive and economical. We plotted out the trip in terms of stations and tickets. We picked out a hotel that would be proximal to the station and proper for a shoot. What’s even more exiting… we arranged for Luscious Luna to also partake in the shoot. At the time, Luna was well into the 500s and a very aggressive and mean squasher in her own right.
I couldn’t keep this to myself… so I also brought in a big fan of our work to be a second seat. I won’t lie… part of this move was about sharing the epic experience with someone who would appreciate it. But another large factor was my body. With the combined power and intensity of these two amazing women… I wasn’t confident that my body could hold up for an entire shoot. Looking back… and based on how I felt after taking half of the punishment… I was probably right. I easily could’ve ended up with some broken bones if I went into that shoot alone.
The stage was set for one of the most epic squash shoots of all time. I was excited and nervous.
Shoot Day
I won’t go into every little detail of the shoot. In fact, I simply don’t have sufficient words to adequately depict what all went on that day. To put it simply, it was a day I’ll never forget. I don’t think any of us will. Not only was it one of the most intense squashings that ever unfolded. It was also so much fun. My guts hurt something terrible… not only from getting stepped on by some massive women. But also from laughing so damn hard in between clips and as a spectator as I watched Squeaker get absolutely demolished.
Oh yeah… Squeaker. That’s what the ladies came up with as a name for our new seat. He was very tiny and made all sorts of racket while he was being smashed to smithereens. It was fitting. And I couldn’t help but to laugh at his agony as it unfolded.
Here were some of the highlights…
I did a clip with Kat sitting on me on the board. When I first felt her sit gently on me (as gently as 600+ lbs sitting on someone can be) I knew I was in some trouble. This was my first time experiencing her weight and it was challenging indeed. What I’d quickly learn, though, was that she meant business. The way she’d move, shift, and bounce… she was an utter natural at knowing exactly how much power she possessed and exactly how to use it.

Her weight completely consumed me. The board was so unforgiving and the more she dug in the more scary it was. No lie… if someone said they’d pay me $100,000 to handle her on me like this for 30 minutes with our mercy… I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Even without bouncing.

With Kat, though, it’s never enough to just press someone. She actually enjoys taking them right to the edge. What is that edge? I’m not sure because I’ve never gone beyond it. Maybe it’s passing out. Maybe it’s broken ribs. Maybe worse? In this particular case, she first took me to this edge by applying what she coined as Kat Smashes.
Holyyyyy Shit! These were absolutely devastating.
I mean… in simple terms they were butt drops. But not many women Kat’s size can jump the way she does. And when so much weight is received in such a violent manner while laying on a solid surface, the impact, rush of pressure, and resultant give in your body is inexplainable. I imagine it’s similar to how it might feel in a head on collision in a car accident. There’s THAT much force!

I’m not going to lie… and I verbalized this the day of the shoot. On her second or third Kat Smash my spine and limbs went numb. That’s when I tapped and begged for mercy. And she gave it to me. I genuinely thought I was done and was about to roll off the board. At that moment, though, she called Luna over to sit with her on me. In Kat’s mind, sitting without bouncing is easy work.
I was so deflated, so broken, so wrecked beyond words after her smashes that when she and Luna finished me off with double sitting… it was one of the most extreme situations I had ever found myself in.

I just couldn’t breathe. At all. No matter how hard I tried, my rib cage would not expand, my lungs would not inflate, and I couldn’t do a single thing. It’s in these moments that you realize that you have absolutely no control. Two huge women that weigh more than half a ton are on top of you having a blast together and you’re on the verge of dying. Your life is in their hands. It’s amazingly powerful. Terrifying. And special. I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world.
And just to share just how intense this shoot was…
When I mercy tapped from the double sitting, they listened. I got my reprieve. But Kat STILL wasn’t done with me. She wanted to stand on me in this same clip. I’m not going to lie. I genuinely believed that my ribs were going to break by not resting before having her trample me. But I was so enthralled by the intensity and experience that I just had to push that envelope. And so she did…

Not on a padded surface. Not even on a carpet. But on the tiled floor around the fireplace. Ooophhh!! Like I said, thank God I had a tag team partner to share this load on this special day. I truly believe I would’ve ended it in a hospital if I didn’t have him.
The only thing I’ll add is one other part from the shoot. It goes down as one of the best butt drop videos of all time. We slid the mattress off the frame and place it on the floor. What ensued were full leaping butt drops from these enormous women. So violent, in fact, that our spines were crushing into the floor through the mattress each time they landed.
I think to some they look more innocent than they actually were. I even remember thinking to myself, “Okay, I’m going to hold my breath in this next drop so I don’t lose it and last longer.” It wasn’t possible. They were landing with such ferocity and force that the moment they impacted, all air was forcefully evacuated from our bodies.

Yes, this 630+ lb woman’s feet are off the floor in this picture.
What was worse was the fact that after they’d land and we’d lose every ounce of air we had to keep us alive… they’d just sit there as if nothing happened. As if them jumping onto us should be normal or easy.

And if you’d tap because, ya know… oxygen… this would be their idea of a reprieve.

Uhhh, yeah. I get it. You’re leaning back a bit. But I’m still crushed!!!!
It got insane when, after some mega drops, they’d pile up on us.

It goes without saying at this point that this was a day for the record books. I’m not only thankful that we all made it out of there one one piece. Granted, Squeaker and I were bruised and battered. We could barely move for days. But my God was it worth every ounce of it. In my dreams we recreate this day in the future. I’m not sure if it’ll be with the same models. I’m not sure if it’ll be with Squeaker. I just know that I want to experience something on this level again. Or maybe even more extreme next time!
If you want to check out the promo videos from this shoot or purchase any of the clips, please check out the clip store. Your best bet would be to search for Squeaker since these are the only videos he ever appeared in.
Otherwise, please drop a comment below. What are your thoughts after reading this nonfiction story? By sharing your thoughts and partaking in the conversation, you motivate me to keep writing and keep sharing.
Until next time…
Stay Flat,
Nice writing about that experience.
Probably i will be worried about try that.
But it’s interesting to see how you could handle that.
I have had various replies from 280 – 310 lb ladies.
None of them good, I have wondered if that is the boarder between ‘maybe I can lose the excess’ and embracing the fact that they are bigger than the magazine standard.
Definitely inspirational.
I am on FetLife and have almost given up looking for a local girl willing to sit on me or for that matter chat.
Canterbury New Zealand seems to void of 500+lbs.
I would like to post the URL for this on Fetlife if that is ok?
Sure, you can post a link to your FL here… no problem. And I’ve heard similar stories… that it’s much more difficult to find ssbbw abroad. I’ve got no solutions for you there, unfortunately. Short of moving to the states!!
Great story again from you.
I like how you write and I can follow your experience.
With trampling it’s not only the standing fullweight, also the second of stepping up and down when the fullweight is on one feet.
Keep writing
Great update! You have a flair for writing 🙂
Getting crushed by two goddesses seems like a dream. Do you ever shoot scenes out in the midwest/CO area?
No… I’m in the NE and keep most of the action over here. There’s no room in the budget to be traveling that far unless it’s something very special.