I write a lot about squashing from my own perspective. By and large, it receives a lot of positive feedback. I’m not good at many things. But handling heavy women on top of me and writing vividly about the experiences are some of the things I’ve gotten pretty good at. However, it’d be nice to peek inside the minds of some of these women from time to time. What do they thing? What do they feel? Do they get scared? Do they enjoy this?
It was high time that I sat down with one of them for a candid interview. Queen Nora happily agreed to take the time to chat about what we all love – SSBBW, their weight, their power, and squashing.
Hi Nora! Thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview with me. Let’s start with an easy question. When was the first time you heard about squashing? And when did you actually get to experience putting your full weight on someone?
I heard about on fantasy feeder but never took it seriously until the owner of Full Weight Productions (you) started chatting with me. You made it feel very safe and comfy so figured why not try it out. Needless to say I really loved it!
I used to always sit on people playfully but it wasn’t intense. It was never really squashing until I met you for the first time.
Well I’m glad you felt comfortable enough with me to make your entry into the world of squashing. You were an instant hit with your beauty, size, and lack of hesitation to throw your full weight around… so thanks for trusting me and taking the leap.
Since those early days, you’ve accumulated a ton of experience. You do a lot of private sessions, we’ve done a couple of shoots with just us, and we’ve had a number of new seats get to do shoots with you, too. Have you ever accidentally squashed someone too much… given them more than they were ready for?
I sure have. When working with new guys it’s always a challenge to figure out what they can handle. There’s a lot of me and sometimes they aren’t ready for it. We all saw the video of that one guy we filmed with who couldn’t handle it at all. He panicked every 5 seconds. It got a little frustrating to have to keep getting up! I had a couple private sessions where guys were so winded that I let them use my mom’s oxygen tank to get better. And one guy had to go to the hospital for a pulled rib muscle but never anything too bad.
Wow, crazy about the oxygen tank! I’m sure a lot of people reading this would like to know more about those details. That’s something I hear often… guys wish they could be flies on the wall to witness our adventures. For the sake of time, though… let’s keep moving. What about objects? I’m sure you’ve broken some pieces of furniture in your day. What were some of the most memorable.
I broke more chairs and stools than you can count. Best memory for me was when me and Princess were both sitting on AJ on the hard board. We were bouncing and it cracked. It was scary. I thought we was gonna fall off backwards but AJ was super cool and saved us with this crazy leg move he made. I still don’t get how he saved my fall!
Props to AJ. Catching 800-900 lbs of falling women ain’t easy! I know I had a board break under Mistress Lia and Candy Crush and it, too, was scary. I somehow caught them, too. It’s one of the riskier things we do, which is why I invest in very strong wood. A lot can go wrong when those boards break!
No experiences with breaking things in public?
Ya but it’s not funny. More embarrassing. I broke the plastic chair at a Chinese restaurant. Never went there again everyone was staring.
Sorry to hear that, though I’m sure any of your fans would’ve been happy to cushion your fall! I’m sure you know this, but most of us around here find that very sexy. I know it must’ve been very embarrassing in the heat of the moment but it just goes to show how epic your power is. Thank you for sharing it with us all time and time again.
Okay… what has been your craziest squash experience so far?
Bad crazy or good crazy?
How about both?
Good crazy is I was squashing someone in my back yard. The neighbor behind us seen and asked if he could join in. He ended up being into squashing more than he thought!
Crazy bad was the one guy that slept in his car in my driveway. Was pretty much stalking me. I had to call my brother on him and then eventually the police.
Man does that bother me about the whacko who wouldn’t leave you alone. That’s precisely why I haven’t grown FWP beyond what it is. I have hundreds of guys reach out to me every single year looking to get involved. I could easily find women all over the country, hook them up with cameras, and connect both parties to make country or even worldwide content. But…
There are too many damn whacky people out there that can’t be trusted. It puts too much liability on my company. The legal exposure isn’t worth the risk. And forget about the legality of it all… I’m just not trying to expose any woman to creeps.
Now about your neighbor… that’s amazing! Lucky guy. To those fans reading this… imagine peering over your fence in your backyard and seeing a 600+ lb goddess smashing someone. What would be going through your mind?
Did your neighbor come back for more other times?
Just once. He has a big wife who’s about 300. I taught her a few things for him. Nice people.
Spreading the art of squashing! Love it.
Can you think of something you’d love to try with squashing that you’ve yet to get to experience? A position? A scene? A location?
Bath tub squashing!
Ohhhh, okay. How would you like to see that play out?
Not sure lol. Or maybe even jumping into a pool on top of someone.
A cannonball squash! Ya, that would be terrifying and exciting. I know we did a video with BigmommaKat years ago in a large tub. She was butt dropping and sitting on him while the tub was filling up. Since then we’ve had a lot of guys want to see it done in a smaller tub and let the water fill up to just below the level of his nose while he’s pinned down by a ssbbw. Scary scenario…. but maybe that’s something you could add to your list
I think if I did it it would have to be a big tub with a bar so I could get back out. Don’t want to get stuck on someone! What about a trampling tub video. That is what I had in mind.
I have seen a trampling tub video. You think you’d be able to do trampling more easily in a tub than sitting?
Not sure but definitely wanna try it!
Well hopefully we can work out the logistics at some point. My biggest fear would be you standing on a wet, slippery body and falling.
Very true didn’t think of that lol. Let’s work on trampling on dry land first since I’m much bigger now!
You have my mind racing now with tub trampling. Bare skin would be slippery. I’m thinking if the seat wore a shirt, though… you might have decent traction. It would be an incredible video. We’ll keep it on the drawing board for now!
Speaking of your increased size… what is your current weight? And for the curious folks in the room, what’s your height and shoe size also?
620 I’m 5’4 shoe size 9 wide.
Thank goodness for the wide foot! Narrower would mean more concentrated force and likely some broken ribs when trampling! Okay… so here’s one a few people were dying to know. What was the craziest request you received so far that you just couldn’t do?
I had some real crazy requests outside of squashing like a guy wanting to pretend to kill me and me playing dead. No thanks! With squashing always the one thing I turn down is licking and sexual touching.
Pretend to be killed? Uhhh, ya… that’s a little much. I’m not one to judge since I enjoy having huge women jump on me but there are lines!
And as for the sexual contact when squashing, I get that. While squashing is sexy, we don’t make it sexual around here. The sexual side of squashing is for behind closed doors. I thought for sure you were going to say the throat trampling that one guy wanted you to do was the craziest request so far.
No actually that’s not crazy to me. I wouldn’t mind it if it could be safely done.
Well since that’s the most often requested thing I get, do you think it could ever possibly be safely done?
I’m not sure but at my size probably not.
Well if you want to know it from my vantage point as a very seasoned seat… that has been our craziest request.
Lol I’m surprised cuz you done it for so long!
Ya well… there’s still a few tricks I’ve yet to pull off! So what’s your favorite way to squash a seat?
Ass drops lol! They always been my favorite bc just the fact I sink so far into someone’s body that u can feel their stomach move and then all the air exhale. Or sometimes if they are so scared it’s amazing. That’s what keeps me squashing ppl.
Epic! As a seat I can say that’s definitely one of the most exhilarating acts. To see a woman your size hovering over me knowing you’re going to splash all your weight down onto me… it’s mind blowing. That’s how I want to wrap up this interview. I want to see if we can’t get in your mind and get the squasher’s perspective. I write so much about the seat’s perspective. But what about you? Are you ever scared?
Yes, mostly about how I will get up after a fall like the video I did where I dropped and slid right off him. Or how many times I was dropping and banged into walls. But the scariest time was when I injured my knee. Till this day it still hurts. I was doing a private session on a guy. I dropped down and he lifted his knees into mine. The pain was so bad but I kept the session going and 2 days later was in the doc we with a sprained knee smh. This is why you never lift knees!
Keeping your legs flat seems so simple as a seat. It’s not. When you see 600 lbs of giant woman falling out of the sky in your direction… it’s a natural reaction to ball up! I know I’ve struggled with it myself.
It’s interesting. So most of your fear is about you falling? Do you ever have fear for the seat? Are you ever afraid of injuring him?
I only worry about sending someone to the hospital. I try to think my session thru beforehand and at beginning so I have a plan of how to keep it safe as possible. I always go slow with new guys to figure out what they can handle.
But nobody has ever had to go to the hospital yet, right?
Yes the guy I told u bout who pulled a rib muscle.
Ahh, okay. I didn’t realize it was that bad. How did the guy mess his rib up? What were you doing to him?
Just ass dropping. He asked me to jump up fully an full weight land on him.
Haha, I love how you say “just ass dropping.” As if a 600 lb woman jumping onto someone isn’t all that extreme! Was he on the mattress?
No floor.
Ahhh ok. Ya, that’ll do it. Been there. It’s high risk, high intensity for sure. But very exciting, too.
Okay, so do you think you have a pretty firm understanding of the power of your weight? Some might say someone like me who has been under every ounce of you has a better understanding of how much power your body possesses because I’ve had it push me to the brink. Do you think it’s possible for the squasher… for you… to fully “get” your power?
No I think seats that have been sat on by me understand it better than I do myself. And for sure with trampling. Those guys who can handle that get the full effect.
Makes sense. That’s part of the allure to a lot of us seats. That you don’t even understand the magnitude of power you possess. What you could do to us if you went full on squash mode without any limits.
Mhm but that’s why talking to your regular seats is good cuz they help with ideas and testing new limits.
Ahhh yes. New limits. I remember my early days where I thought a 200 lb woman would break me. Ever since I’ve been walking that fine line between growing my capacity to handle more extreme stuff and breaking myself.
Okay… so wrapping this up. This is what most people want to know. And please be descriptive as possible. What does it feel like to stand full weight on someone? Like physically? Do they look very small from up there? And what do you feel with your feet when all your weight sinks in?
U can feel their guts right under your toes. And heck no I can’t see them lol. I’m to wide to hardly see them at all.
Can you feel their ribs?
Yes but it’s like their whole chest cavity. It’s weird to feel under your toes!
Do you prefer standing on the chest or the belly?
I’m very wide so really I like having a good ratio between chest and belly otherwise I feel like I’m gonna fall. That would be very bad. For him and for me.
Do you think most guys tap before they have to? What do you think would happen if you stayed standing on them after they tapped?
I think when they’re new yes just cuz they don’t know their own stengths yet and are scared they will pass out but for guys who’s been around a lot sometimes u gotta shift on them cuz there so focused on there breathing they don’t tap lol. And I don’t know what would happen to them. Prob pass out soon.
Would you ever squash someone in public?
I would LOVE to squash someone in public place.
Finding a location is always the hard part. While it would be epic to do a shoot in a park or something like that… making adult entertainment content in a public setting is very dicey.
I’m not sure where it could be done. I just think it would be fun. I was asked before to do one in the woods. I think that would be neat. Maybe we could find some private woods to do it in.
We can certainly do some exploring! Anything else I didn’t ask you that you’d like to say to your fans?
I think one thing I would say to fans is that squasher and squashee gotta understand what each want and will do. The respect between each other is what makes a good squashing. There lots of times where ppl won’t do the session cuz they don’t think we’ll respect their boundaries. Don’t be scared guys no problem in telling us if your not comfy with something or it’s too much pressure. We’ll respect it as always fart on you later

Well thanks for your time, Nora. It was a pleasure chatting with you. I know we’re talking about getting a shoot in order soon. Maybe we can work in a bathtub scene! Always excited to work with you and see what you come up with next. Keep up the great work!
If you want to see more of Nora, be sure to give her a follow on Twitter. Her page can be found here.
If you want to see all of her clips from FWP, click here.
Honestly an amazing read, love it all. The utter pure love for crushing and Nora’s unhesitating willingness to do it, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. Even before knowing what sex it kinks even were, I’ve had a need to feel this type of unrelenting pressure. If anyone out there wants something like this, I’m so down to have fun and test/push limits <3
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I wish he would sell videos of breaking plastic chairs
I was wondering if you know of any squashes in Perth Australia
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