This is a true story about an amazing experience with a special woman. An experience that I will not forget. One that was full of laughter, adventure, danger, and intensity. One that left my body wrecked and my mind yearning for more. I know how you all love to hear the details behind the videos you see on Full Weight Productions, so let me break them down for you regarding my shoot with SpanxBeluga.
It all started a few years ago at the request of a fan named Lee. This guy loved the shoot I did with Avery and April a few years prior. He was a member of Spanx’s OnlyFans. I guess he saw some content that Avery and Spanx had done together and it seeded an idea. Lee desperately wanted to see Avery and Spanx do a double squash. In fact, he had all sorts of ideas – many of them that would’ve likely put me in the hospital… but A+ for enthusiasm! Unfortunately, this was around the time of the Covid pandemic. And while we got close to making it happen, things ended up fizzling.
Now let me say something here at the start. I didn’t know Spanx at all. In fact, I don’t believe I even followed her before Lee connected me. I sort of live in a bubble in the modeling/content universe. I don’t do a lot of networking or seeking. I think that sounds arrogant, but I don’t mean it like that. I’m just not as young and enthusiastic as I was in my early days and don’t have the time to be bothered with who’s doing what out there.
I still remember when I first saw her profile on Instagram. I was blown away by her beauty and shape. Of course I wanted to do a shoot with her. She seemed perfect. As if the gods themselves molded her to be the perfect woman. Pretty in the face. Soft in the body. Wide, yet feminine. Curves for days. Angelic, yet wickedly powerful. Yeah, she was something else alright.
As life would have it post-Covid, however, it took awhile for things to normalize. In life, in general, for everyone. And for me, personally. Years passed without any shoots. In fact, I reached a point where I seriously considered packing away the cameras and calling it quits on Full Weight Productions. It was a fantastic run. I had amazing experiences that I will take to the grave. I made awesome friendships with people who are very special to me to this day. But things just didn’t come as easily as they did when I first started the company. Most notably, I’m getting older and I started to doubt my ability to handle intense squashing. Plus, my personal life simply grew so busy that there wasn’t space for traveling and shooting.
Spanx never left my mind, though. How could she? She has a look about her that’s going to cement in any fat admiring man’s brain. It was the allure of looking up at her robust figure as I lay on the floor that kept a tiny flame alive for FWP.
Thanks to a lot of persistence from Lee, the flame started to grow. In fact, I was still receiving scores of emails and messages per week from fans. Some thought I had truly retired. A few even thought I was killed at the feet of a giant, heavy queen. But Lee… this guy just wouldn’t let up on wanting to see SpanxBeluga do some trampling. As luck would have it, one of his many emails hit my inbox at an opportune time and so I reached out to Spanx. That woman has some serious work ethic. It was perhaps the smoothest process I ever experienced as a producer… from A to Z. Before I could blink, a date was scheduled and I was on my way toward meeting this amazing woman.
I got more nervous for this shoot than any I can remember. My nerves stemmed mostly from the fact that I was rusty. It had been a long time since I got under a mega ssbbw. Doubts swirled around my mind.
Can my body handle the pressure like it used to? I’m getting older now and my body doesn’t feel as capable nowadays. I don’t want to be like Mike Tyson coming out of retirement to fight Jake Paul.
We got a bunch of requests for full weight trampling. Should I go that extreme? Or will that assuredly lead to a broken rib or worse?
I’ve never met this woman before. How awful would it be to get injured during her first time doing a shoot with me? I’d feel so horrible. Definitely do not want to put her in that position.
To enflame my worries, Lee had found out that Spanx gained a bunch of weight since we first started talking about a shoot. Once you get much above 550 lbs, every lb begins to matter. Not so much with sitting type squashing. But trampling? OMFG does every pound matter. When you’re pushing your body to the very limit, it doesn’t take much to spill over that threshold… the point of no return. And the gain he mentioned wasn’t “a couple of lbs.” It was more like 50+. Gulp!
Lastly, I’m an introvert by nature. You’d never know it given how comfortably I communicate with others and the fact that I meet strangers in hotels to let them crush the life out of me half naked. But I am… I get nervous before every shoot. Anxious would be a better description. And that’s even when I’m heading to a shoot with a woman I’ve met with many times before. In this case, my anxiety was heightened 10x because…
- Again, first time meeting her and,
- She asked if her boyfriend could come along.
Now let me be clear here. I totally get why she’d want her boyfriend to tag along. First and foremost, she doesn’t know me from a hole in the wall. Sure, I have somewhat of a reputation given how long I’ve been filming. And I believe that reputation is good given the fact that almost every single woman I’ve worked with over the years is still a friend today. And any of them would stand as references to vouch for my professionalism and integrity. But still, as a woman, I’d be skeptical of any man I don’t know. Hell, even of some I do know! Plus, at her size, I imagine having a travel companion makes things a lot easier. I know I wouldn’t want to be crammed behind a steering wheel at her size… the passenger seat is a lot more free! And having someone there to help with daily tasks is a huge plus when you’re supersized in stature. It ain’t easy living, and I respect that fact.
But still, I have a general policy of “no third parties at shoots.” I didn’t push that issue, though, out of respect for her. Needless to say, I was on edge. Every mile I ticked off the two and a half our road trip to meet her, the more anxious I grew.
I got to the hotel about an hour and a half before Spanx and her man would arrive. It’s always exciting to scope out a new hotel to see what sort of backdrop it has.
How’s the lighting?
Are there any ottomans or seats that we could use?
How high are the beds? And is the mattress firm or cushiony?
Are there any counters or ledges she can use to balance while trampling… if we trample?
That area there looks perfect to lay down and have her step on me while balancing against the wall. Is that where I will meet my maker?
While this room wasn’t the best, it certainly would do the job better than the cheap, dungy hotels you see a lot of videos produced in. It was exciting visualizing us using the space. I wondered if these walls had ever witnessed such an extreme act as what was about to transpire between them.
I used the remaining free time to prepare. I had to run to the local market and pick up some snacks and drinks. We had a request for an eating video. Plus, a big girl has to eat, right? I got back to the hotel with about 30 minutes to spare. I used this time to setup the cameras and tripods. It’s been a minute since I’ve used these things so it was a good refresher. I also brought the wooden board in from the car.
Shit, this things feels harder than I remember it!
I then brought the trampoline in. As nervous as I was to have her trample me, I was equally excited to see if this new “tool” would work. I felt like a weirdo carrying a trampoline into a hotel, but hey… all in the name of squashing glory, right?
My busy work paid off. Time flew and before I knew it, there was a knock at the door. I nervously opened it to see a beautiful couple with smiles on their faces. They gave off a very friendly vibe. Spanx was even more stunning in person, and she looked much wider than the doorway she was standing in. Her man? Tall and skinny. A champion among FAs. Of course, Spanx squeezed through the doorway and immediately had to pee leaving me alone with her man. “Oh boy, this is awkward.” But he was super cool and we had a nice conversation. If felt more organic and natural than it likely should’ve given the circumstances.
We’re two men who don’t know one another. He’s with a woman who he obviously loves very much that’s about to take a lot of her clothes off and use her sexy body to smash me silly. And Spanx and I agreed that it’s awkward to have a third party, irrespective of who it is, just sit there and watch the action. So her man was not going to stick around once it got to filming.
But no, I must say, in the awkward context it did not feel horrible. I could tell why Spanx was with him. And obviously I knew, at least in the obvious parts, why he was with Spanx.
After some small talk, he gave Spanx a kiss and went about his way leaving me and this rotund goddess to get to it.
Spanx wanted to start with the easy stuff first. I’m not sure why… maybe she wanted to test me out. I can only imagine how nerve-wracking it can be to place your full weight on a new guy at first. Especially when you are well in excess of a quarter ton in weight. I’d be worried about breaking or killing the guy. There’s no knowing what his limits truly are. I’m not sure how she felt, though. Maybe she just wanted to ease into it the same way you’d warm-up before lifting heavy weights in the gym.
I want you to stop and think about this for a moment. Put yourself in my shoes. You’re sitting there talking to a supersized woman who looks like she stepped right out of a dream about how she wants to smash you first.

I’m hearing the words that are coming out of her pretty mouth, but I’m sure as hell not comprehending them and I can’t even remember what it is I said in response. Somehow, someway, the next thing I know I’m dragging the mattress off the bed to place on the floor to “experiment with trampling.” We both wanted to see if it was even possible before turning on the camera.
Let that sink in.
It’s a funny consideration, isn’t it?
“Is trampling possible here?”
It’s not “haha funny.” It’s more like “wtf funny.” Because to test out whether it’s possible or not, you actually have to do the trampling. And if the doing of the trampling proves to be impossible. Well… that means one of two things.
One: She couldn’t physically step up onto me, which has happened with a couple of others. That’s not the “funny” part.
Two: My body couldn’t tolerate the force imposed on it by her massive weight and therefore I broke some ribs, damaged some organs, ripped my abdominal wall, passed out, or… gulp… died. Talk about a high stakes experiment!
It’s also extremely alluring. I mean, if you’re like me, you love the power that’s behind a woman of substance. It’s alluring beyond words to think about how the easiest of tasks, merely sitting there or stepping up onto you briefly, can pose a risk to your wellbeing or life. Without hardly a lick of effort, a woman like this could end you. And of course it’s not about that. It’s not about dying or even pushing it close to that level of things. But the mere fact that it’s possible without her even trying is just so mesmerizing. There’s beauty in that much power… especially when it’s contained within a layered package of fat, rolls, cellulite, curves, and immense beauty like this. You want just a tiny taste of that power. You want to flirt with the danger of it. You want to test your ability to endure it. And you want to be prove a worthy throne for this queen to place her weight on… however she may choose.
Anyhow, the mattress is on the floor next to this perfectly placed half-wall Spanx can use to assist with stepping up and balancing with. The cameras aren’t on or anything. She steps up onto the mattress next to my body and I’m immediately shocked by how far her feet sink in. I swear her feet are against the floor. She’s so deep in the mattress that it makes it a giant step to get up onto me. It wasn’t for lack of trying. She placed one foot on my chest and looked down at me. “This is a high step!” In her mind, we didn’t even start. Meanwhile, I was truly already grunting and gasping merely from the weight of her one leg being on me. She then tried her other foot on my belly since it was lower and OOPPPHHHH!! Even harder for me to handle.
It was at this moment where I was seriously second guessing the trampling. “How the fuck am I going to handle this woman on me full weight??!! Let alone without a padded surface since she really wanted to try it on the floor, too.” Before I could drown in those doubts, though, she was suggesting we try the sofa cushions as they were much firmer and skinnier than the mattress. She hoped it would make for a smaller step while still providing some protection for my relatively peon sized body.
A moment later I was eclipsed by this mega beauty as she hoisted herself up onto my body full weight. It’s so hard to explain that experience with words. It’s so extreme and so intense that it’s as if you’re warped to a different plain of existence. Imagine a sound so loud that it overwhelms every fiber of your being paired with a light so bright that it does the same. In that case, you’d curl into a ball on the floor unable to do anything but think about making it through. And this explanation doesn’t do it justice, because it makes it seem like a bad experience when it’s anything but. It’s the sort of experience that will be positively etched in your brain for as long as you have a heart that beats. Extreme in every way, from what it’s doing to you physically to the crazy impression it’s leaving on you emotionally. It’s that intense. Everything in you life – your loved ones, your job, your hopes, your worries, your schedule, your senses, your thinking… literally ALL OF IT – it all fades and it’s just you and the immense pressure. It’s as if you become one with it as you lay in the shadow of this wide-bodied beauty doing nothing but standing there in all her eloquence. It’s enlightening, really. You transcend life into this wild dimension. I’ve only ever been there when under the feet of a goddess.
It feels like an eternity but in actuality it’s seconds. Seconds that change your life.
The experiment worked. I didn’t break and I certainly didn’t die. In fact, in that moment, even though I was sore and gasping for air, I felt more alive than I’d felt in a long, long time. I imagine it’s very similar to free soloing up the face of El Capitan or skydiving out of a speeding plane. You want to hoot and pump your fists, but physically about the the only thing you can muster is to peel yourself off the floor like a smashed bug in order to set the cameras up and do it all again for real.
It was game time! I was rolling with a little confidence since I just handled all of her weight standing on me – albeit it was only for a few seconds, she just stood there calmly, and it was on a padded surface. But still, it counted in the game of ssbbw trampling. Less capable men would’ve crumbled and broken, so I was feeling pretty good about myself.
To start the trample video, we wanted to do a weigh in. This was exciting because as a long time tramplee, it’s grown interesting to know how much weight is actually on me. She felt heavier than any of my other experiences that I could recall, but maybe that could be chalked up to old age.
I mean, the most recent ssbbw trample encounter was with Juicy Joyce, which was a few years prior. And while she is a lovely, heavy ssbbw who trampled me good on a hard surface… she’s a mere 420 lbs. In relative terms, a skinny minnie believe it or not.

Spanx felt significantly heavier than I remember Joyce feeling. Before the encounter with Joyce, however, there were a handful of experiences that really stand out to me.
There was Queen Nora. She was a very mobile 598 goddess who desperately wanted to try her hand (or feet) at trampling. I never made my way to the hard floor with her, but I recall feeling as if I were going to pass out merely from the pressure on my chest cavity. Not from lack of oxygen, but genuinely from the sheer force. That was with sofa cushions under me!

And then there was Miss GG, whom I miss dearly. She was 610 lbs when she trampled me. It was the most extreme pressure I ever felt. Sure, 610 lbs is no joke. But why it sticks out in my memory is because GG never got her other foot up onto my chest. Every ounce of her 610 lb gorgeous body was sinking into my belly at an alarming force. Her foot nearly touched the floor through my body and I couldn’t resist it one bit with all of my might!

Back to Spanx…
So there she stood about to stand on this 700 lb weight capacity scale and for every bit of heavy she’s looking, she’s also looking doubly stunning.

You’ll have to buy the video if you’d like to see her actual weight. Sufficed to say, she exceeds 600 lbs by a meaningful degree and she’s definitely heavier than any of the other women referenced above.
Now we knew the actual weight involved. And it was dangerous and terrifying. But also exciting! I laid down as quickly as I could on those thin sofa cushions to await my fate.

She did the cutest thing before stepping up onto me. She playfully bent over and pushed some of her weight into me with her hands in a way to test my readiness. Again, like when she had only a single foot on me before, she unknowingly pushed my limits with that playful act.

That’s another super sexy component of an experience like this. A woman like this can’t possibly understand the power of her weight. She doesn’t understand that when she gives 50% of it, it’s still a lot to handle! Heck, even 25% is the equivalent of the weight of a thick woman. And if you browse the trample video space, you’ll notice that 99% of them are made with very skinny women. Even a thick woman doing trampling is a rarity. With a woman like Spanx, the subtlest of moves has the potential to straight up wreck you… even if by accident. You’re a hapless bug and she’s the human about to make you go CRUNCH!
No more playing around, though, It was time for her to step back up onto me. I quickly learned that the brief practice round before we turned the cameras on instilled a lot of confidence in her. She had more pep in her step. And when she hoisted her giant frame up onto me, she didn’t just stand there. She bounced. And I will not even try to describe what the sensation of 600+ lbs bouncing on you through tiny feet feels like, but rest assured it’s mind-blowing intense.

And she shifted her weight around a lot more from foot to foot, which transformed a trampling session of this type from “barely doable” to “on the verge of injury” in a hurry.

Meanwhile, she’s barking out “am I too heavy” and “wow look how close to your throat I am.” Put yourself there. On that floor. Staring up at this woman that is the definition of beauty. Crushing the life out of you with her awesome size. And joking around about how heavy she must be and how close to smashing your neck she is. Tell me that’s not hot… I dare you to make that argument!
And this was only the beginning. Next up was the trampoline test. We never even checked to see if this would work. I didn’t know if I was going to fit under it. More importantly, I didn’t know if it was going to support her. The max weight limit reads 440 lbs. The thought of her breaking through the springs and crashing down on me had me sweating bullets. Lo and behold, I just fit under the trampoline. The surface of the trampoline was literally against my body. That’s good from the sense that if she broke it, there isn’t room to “crash down onto me.” But it was scary from the sense that the trampoline would not be supporting much of her weight at all!

She waltzed right over planting one of her sexy, heavy feet so close to my head that her toes were touching my shoulder next to my ear. This is about as close as you can get to experiencing the raw power of a woman of this stature without actually feeling it. I’m sure, as a reader and viewer, you feel that Spanx is gorgeous and large. But nothing comes close to understanding just how gorgeous and just how large she is then when your head is next to her foot looking up. It’s a view that I would fly around the world twice just to witness.

She mentioned that she was going to start by placing a foot on either side of my body so that we could ease into things. And she did, for which I am grateful. Because once she hoisted her full weight onto the trampoline, even with her feet to the sides of my body, the pressure was intense. Don’t believe me? Watch the video. Understand that I’m laying on the hard floor. And watch my body shift and flatten with each bounce she delivers. I was in awe and waiting with immense anticipation of how it’d feel when she planted her feet directly over my body.
She advanced with grace, only putting one foot on my chest and her other to the side. I couldn’t help the groans and croaks that were coming out of my mouth… boiling up from deep in my chest cavity. Holy shit this was hard. I genuinely felt like I was on a razor’s edge, ribs about to shatter. And she hadn’t even given me her full weight, yet!
An intense conflict was raging in my mind.
Should I tap now in advance of her full weight? We’ve only done this with padding under me so far and maybe without is going to leave me injured? It certainly feels that way based on only one foot bouncing on me right now!
But my god is this an epic sensation and an even better sight. To see a woman of this caliber bouncing up and down over me transcends dreams! I want to feel all of her, ribs be damned!
I’m not sure how much you can relate to a predicament like this? Knowing that you’re seconds away from potentially getting severely injured if you don’t tap is a strange place to be. The uncertainty of your immediate wellbeing can really screw with your mind. I could feel my brain pushing my arm upward to tap while my heart pulled it to the floor screaming “don’t you dare!” I’m guessing it’s like a high-dollar bet at a casino table when you really can’t afford to lose the money. Except you’re not gambling with your money here. Instead, you’re gambling with your life. It’s in these moments where you think to yourself, “I think it’s worth a broken rib or two if it happens.” But with the mind racing, other doubtful thoughts creep into play.
What if something goes awry with my spine and I wind up paralyzed?
What if I pass out from the pressure and she doesn’t know it and keeps right on bouncing up and down?
As the pictures and video prove, my heart won the emotional tug-o-war that was raging in my body and I did not tap. And as luck would have it on this fateful day, I did not break. Instead, I experienced the most intense, unforgettable trampling of my life.
When she eventually gave me her full, luscious weight her lower foot wound up just above my knee. Each bounce literally felt like my femur was going to snap like a twig. And that was secondary, believe it or not, to the pressure in my chest cavity. It went deeper than my ribs. It felt like my heart was going to explode with each bounce. The pressure was pushing my eyeballs out of my head each time that weight came crashing down.

I noticed something when she was bouncing on this trampoline. It gave her a false sense of confidence. Like it was a game. Or that it was really safe and easy. The way she freely moved around stepping wherever she wanted without consideration was honestly shocking. To be at the complete mercy of a 600+ lb glorious goddess like this as she pranced and bounced around was equal parts devastating and intoxicating. I was crushed and drunk on pressure while she was joyfully bouncing around.
Eventually she moved both feet to my body, chest and belly. She commented how “this isn’t as bouncy here.” Nope, ma’am… it assuredly isn’t.” Every ounce of her was being absorbed by my body at this point and I had to mercy. Looking back, I desperately wish I would’ve asked her for another round of trampoline trampling. But maybe that would’ve been too much and left me too drained for the next part.
The only thing left to try was pure trampling. No props. No padding. Just her raw power against my tiny frame as it rests on the cement, thinly carpeted floor. At this stage, I was already sore. If you’re a lifter, you don’t go into a gym, slap 315 lbs on a barbell, and just continually rep it out set after set. Your body wears down and you arrive at a point where you can no longer lift the load. Only here, the load was more than twice that amount and it was actively trying to crush the life out of you. My body was wearing out at just the wrong time. I figured if she could get up on me in this position, it wouldn’t last long at all and I could only go one round. I had an intuition that pushing beyond that would lead to something that neither of us wanted – a 911 call.
Let me tell you… when you first lay on the floor and feel just how unforgivingly hard it is, it’s scary. It’s in that moment that you realize that your body is going to have to support literally every ounce of this ravishing woman. And she didn’t quite exude confidence as she approached my timid, exposed body. She muttered, “The way you were screaming with the trampoline, I don’t think you’ll be able to handle this, but let’s try it out.” What. A. Fucking. Woman. To doubt my body’s integrity and ability withstand all of her sexiness, and yet, to step right on up anyhow. God is she amazing.
She plopped a single foot up onto my chest as she explained her doubts, the wind rushing out of my lungs and an audible grunt with the impact.

As a purist, this is as exciting as it gets. Not only because of the danger. But it’s the most focused and unadulterated way to experience the gift of her weight. Don’t get me wrong… having a woman of this caliber sit or even lay on you is undeniably awesome. But those positions spread her weight out across a very wide area. Still heavy. Still hard to bear. But much, much different than trampling. Something about the thought of all that force being delivered through her relatively tiny feet is hypnotizing. The contrast is the equivalent of having a pillow fight with Mike Tyson in his prime vs. receiving an all-out uppercut from Mike Tyson in his prime.
Not that I’d ever want to experience an upper cut from Mike Tyson, in his prime or not. I don’t mean to imply that trampling is horrific or painful. It’s not. At least not for me. I’m guessing the vast majority of people living today would identify the experience as painful, but I swear to all the gods that I don’t feel any pain with it. All that I feel is devastating pressure. And that pressure is like the greatest drug in the world.
Seeing her walk toward me from this vantage point was something else. You just have to see it to believe it.

Here goes nothing… if this is how I go out, I’ll go out a happy and very flat man.

Spanx strikes me as a confident woman. She’s smart. Gorgeous. Driven. Witty. All these things and, yet, she can’t possibly understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a trample like this. How close she is from catastrophically injuring me. How mesmerizing the pressure is to me. How hard I wish I could stay in that moment for hours. Eternity even! How perfectly the sensation bottles up every fiber of her beauty and delivers it in such a succinct and powerful way. The control she has over me in this moment. The allure. The focus. In these seconds, she is all that matters. All that exists.
This, right here, is the basis of my dreams. Dreams that started as a young boy and that have guided my way to this point. I’m held captive by them. Much in the same way that I’m captive in this moment. Completely at the mercy of her glorious weight. Her weight is a product of a long list of factors. Her genetics, her upbringing, the things she has experienced – highs and lows in her life. Her identity. Her relationships – with people and food. The way she responds to her emotions. Her preferences. Her weight is more than a superficial number. It’s an outcome, an outward display that she wears to honor all that she is and all that she has been through. I am honored to support it, if only for a brief moment. It is a privilege. Something that I do not take lightly, which is good since there’s no light about it. To say that I am eternally grateful for her in every way is a mass understatement.
Spanx is worthy of my full respect irrespective of her weight. But in this moment, it is her weight that is commanding it because my conscious is laser focused on supporting her. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For guys like me, beauty does not get purer than this.
Even in this moment, while bringing me closer to death than probably any other time in my life, she looked down at me and slid her foot to the base of my throat. “I’m so close to your throat. What if I apply just a little pressure?” And so she does and you can hear in the video just how close to “the edge” I was. She’s so fucking sexy… while taking me to that edge she just stands there and laughs. She quickly admits, though, that I can’t handle that and shifts her weight back to my chest. I can’t help but wonder what if. What if she did shift even half of her weight to my throat? Maybe another time. This day was about living to fight another day.
But even having just flirted with my throat and pushing me well beyond my limit, she didn’t just step off. No. Instead she gave me some very solid bounces and my god how different they felt compared to when I was laying on the cushions or under the trampoline. I won’t even try to do justice to the physical sensation with words. But here’s how it looked in gif format.

I swore I’d only have one round of floor trampling in me. She pushed me for a second round to my surprise, though. This round lasted even shorter. My abdominals gave out. I guess I’m happy it was them and not my ribs! But the moment they gave out, I panicked. It felt as if she was standing directly on my organs, no support at all from my muscles.
I truly thought this was the end of the video. I know my body needed for it to be done. Spanx had other plans, though. She had me drop the mattress back down into the floor and she literally flopped her fat (and I mean this in the most endearing, flattering way possible) ass right down onto m throat and chest full weight to sit for a bit.

Let me tell you… coming right off a trample from her left me in no position to support her weight, sitting or not. I was on the struggle bus immediately as she shifted her weight over and over. I think she got a kick out of hearing me struggle with the last of the breath in my body. I’m not going to lie. I was in pure panic mode at this point. I couldn’t slow my heart rate down. I couldn’t draw any air into my lungs. And I felt very, very helpless.

As much as I was struggling, I wanted to give her some time to relax in this position. Plus, my heart didn’t want it to end. My body? Yes. But my heart wanted it to go on forever. All good things must end, though, and I eventually tapped. The ended one of my favorite videos of all time. Of course, there were 4-5 more that needed filming that day… so this was only the beginning. But what an introduction to what it’s like be a seat for this fine woman.
In a way, this is my ode to a queen. Not to kiss her ass, like so many are apt to doing. But to truly say thank you for sharing yourself, your weight, and your time with me. It was an absolute pressure. Err, I mean pleasure. 🙂 As I type this, 4 days removed from our encounter, I still can’t take a deep breath in without pain in my chest cavity. Only a squash fan like me would understand it when I say, “It hurts so good.”
Spanx, don’t ever stop being you. You’re a treasure and I’m so damn happy to now call you a friend.
Thank you.
If you’re reading this thinking, “I have to experience this.” Well, you’re in luck. Spanx does offer sessions. She doesn’t put up with bullshit, though, so come correct. If you aren’t already a member of her OnlyFans, the best method of contacting her is through her Instagram.
If you haven’t purchased the full video yet, don’t be a jerk. I go out of my way to give as much behind the scenes and free bonus content as I can. I recognize that you work hard for your money, but so do I. And in the case of this video, I worked damn hard to get content that I thought you’d appreciate.
Enjoy, be safe, and get squashed!
I would probably never even try trample with a woman over 300lbs.
I imagine her boyfriend is her feeder. From what I understand she is into feederism.
These are my favorite things combined, feederism & SSBBW crushing.
I have an idea for a fun game. Who gives up first? It’s her eating until she can’t eat anymore, vs your endurance of her sitting on your chest while she is eating. Of course she has to continuously be eating the entire time she is sitting on your ribcage. She can’t be sitting on you for several minutes without eating anything. To best keep her weight even & balanced, either her belly is on your face, or her ass shelf is. Which is up to the one she is sitting on I think would be fair.