Meeting Mz. Fluff will go down as one of the most memorable experiences of my life. We had chatted for years online. As friends… mostly. But there were always slivers of professional discussions that would pop up as well. I was hungry to make a shoot happen, though it seemed very unlikely.
It’s hard enough to put a local-ish shoot together. I’m a very busy person, personally and professionally, outside of my dealings with Full Weight Productions. Plus, even if I’m ready to roll… these women have their own lives and issues to deal with. It’s not easy to coordinate things.
With Fluff… she’s 8 hours away from me by car. Sure, I could fly. But the budget is very lean around here. There’s more competition than ever in squash media. There’s more piracy than ever before. And I pay our models well above market rates. If I were to fly places, with all the equipment… profit margins would shrink to nothing. I’d sooner go back to doing this privately and not producing content.
All in all, while there were always talks that would surface, it simply seemed like a pipe dream at times.
But come on…
It’s Fluff! I wasn’t going to lose hope. Plus, we hit it off on a friendship level so a small chance remained.
Lightning Strikes
It was just another chat with Fluff. Catching up on how we’re each doing. What’s going on in our personal lives. Normal stuff you’d expect any friends to be discussing. And then it happened. The conversation turned toward Full Weight Productions.
I wasn’t in as busy of a time in my life. She seemed super motivated to do a shoot. Specifics were discussed. BOOM! A date was set and logistics were in talks. Part of these logistics had to do with what sort of videos we’d like to create. There were a couple of concerns.
- Fluff’s mobility isn’t exceptional. She gets around for a big girl… don’t get it twisted. But she does use a walker and that’s something that I’ve never contended with when it comes to squashing.
- Given her lack of mobility, it made sense to try and include a second woman in the shoot. She would be able to help her get around and, more importantly, get off of me when I needed relief.
- I’ve done some double shoots with very large women before. GG and Lexi comes to mind. BigmommaKat and Luscious Luna was another epic shoot back then. These encounters found me under well over 1,000 lbs worth of luscious women all at once. But I had never dealt with a single woman as heavy as Fluff. And that matters. While she weighed less than many of these combined shoots from the past, she was broaching 900 lbs. That’s a lot of weight to cram into a single body… so I was worried about my ability to tolerate her.
Logistics aside, the shoot was on and I don’t remember ever being that excited and nervous together simultaneously. Fluff had a BBW friend who had agreed to partake in the shoot as well. Everything was coming together.
The Drive Down
It’s always nerve-wracking for me the day of a shoot. I’m experienced. I’m respectful and conversational. I’m intelligent. I’m capable. I have a knack for helping these women feel comfortable all things considered. But… doubt always creeps in. Anxiety and worries flood my mind.
“Are we going to have good synergy? How can I make this as safe as possible – for her and me? How can I ensure that she’s comfortable and respected? Is this woman going to meet the expectations of our fans? Am I going to be able to handle this without breaking? Is the set list realistic? Do I know how I’m going to capture the content – where the camera’s will be placed? Am I going into a safe environment?”
On and on the concerns spiral. Ordinarily I keep shoots close to home… maybe 2-3 hour drives at most. In this particular case I had a full day of traveling. That’s a lot of time to sit in what I’ll call “stinking thinking.”
By the time I had gotten into Fluff’s neighborhood, all I wanted was to check into my hotel, lay down, relax, and unwind. I wanted to prepare for what was sure to be a very physically and emotionally demanding day tomorrow.
Fluff had other plans, though.
She wanted dinner.
And she wanted to meet me before our shoot the next day.
Given my state at the time… I was floored. The long drive, the stress, the fatigue. I was shot. But… I understood where Fluff was coming from. I mean, a girl has got to eat! Plus, more importantly, meeting face to face ahead of our scheduled shoot the following day was only logical. It was an investment of time that would likely improve our chemistry the next day. She’s a super smart woman and ya know… I’m SO HAPPY I listened to her.
The In-Between
I checked into my room. Threw my bags on the bed. Ordered a whole bunch of Pizza Hut food for Fluff and her friend. Picked it up. And headed on down the road to her place.
With my heart pounding… literally beating out of my chest and my face feeling flush… I made the walk to her front door.
Knock, knock, knock!
Now as nervous as I get in these sorts of situations, I’m still very enthralled with the power of weight. To a point, in fact, where I was listening to see if I could hear Fluff coming to the door. A woman of her amazing stature would stress floor boards. These women possess such power that you can almost feel them moving through space without being under them. Maybe I’m the only weirdo who connects with it all like this… but be that as it may… it’s pure magic to me.
In this particular case, though… I wasn’t given the opportunity of sensing her movement. Instead of being greeted by her at the door, I was greeted by a booming voice yelling…
“I’ll buzz you in… when you hear the door unlock just come on in!!!!!”
Phew… I wasn’t ready for that. I’m not accustomed to just walking into someone’s house that I’ve never actually met. I could tell that the voice wasn’t coming from a place near the door, either. It sounded like it was coming from someplace deep within her home.
Armed with nothing more than a bundle of calorically-dense Pizza Hut goodness, I opened the door and stepped into the next chapter of my life. A chapter I’ll never forget.
The First Encounter
My first impression of her place was very good. It was very clean and orderly. Very nice. I was impressed. Not that I expected her to be in some slummy apartment. But her place exceeded whatever expectations I did have. It was very roomy and perfect for a shoot.
I walked into her living room which was followed by her kitchen.
“Where are you” I yelled.
“Back here babe” she responded.
Phew… this was just so far outside of my comfort zone. And I understand that many reading this likely think I’m a coward. Maybe you’d be lunging at the opportunity. Racing into this with open arms. I’m simply guarded. And I like to believe my reservations have helped get me to where I am today.
I felt like I was living those “How to catch a predator” episodes that you always see on TV. Am I going to walk into a bunch of cameras with an interviewer asking me all kinds of crazy questions?
“Sir, what on Earth are you doing here? We have your chat transcripts right here… so don’t lie. Did you really just drive 8 hours to have a 900 lb woman destroy you? What are you thinking? What do you have to say for yourself?”
Meh… “fuck those thoughts” I shouted to myself. “You’r not doing anything wrong or criminal here. We’re just adult friends. This is business… perfectly legal (albeit unusual) business.”
Okay… but what if this is an ambush or something? Maybe I’m walking deeper and deeper into this house to only get jumped or robbed!
“Oh hell no! Come on man… snap out of it. This is Fluff! You’ve been talking to her for years now.” And I did… I trusted this woman. So back the long, dark hallway I ventured. I was traveling toward a room that was dishing out light into the dark hallway. It was at the end and to the right.
I enter…
There she is! A true goddess in the flesh. Well not flesh… she was clothed, haha! Come on perverts! But she was sitting in her bed. A very large bed, I might add, that was almost entirely consumed by her impressive physique. She looked stunning. Inviting. Happy. Confident. Amazing. Literally every concern I had… every doubt, every fear… it all melted away.
I set the food down on her bed, sat down, and we ate. I ate a little. She ate a lot.
I don’t remember everything that was discussed but we had a long conversation. An hour and a half. Maybe two hours. There was chemistry… effortless conversation. She’s a super cool woman… absolutely enormous personality that pairs well with her physical stature.
I kept reminding myself to keep eye contact with her. I didn’t want her to feel like I was a predator. Or someone who only saw her for what she was physically. But damn… was it hard! This was the biggest woman I had ever shared a room with. And that’s saying something as you all well know given the women I’ve worked with! She was SO large. And SO beautiful. As a guy… no matter how respectful I try to be… it was an exhilarating sight.
There was a giant walker next to her bed. This woman was so heavy that she didn’t answer the door the first time I came to her house. It seemed as if she spent a lot of time in her bed. She was beaming with beauty and confidence. It was just so much to take in and all I could think about was the prospects of having to deal with all of her magnificence tomorrow. Package up all that was before me…
The sheer size of the woman. The amount of space she took up on this giant bed. The walker. The physical impression she was making on the mattress. The amount of food she ate. Her curves. All of the fat that was exploding through the dress she was wearing.
Package all of that up into one SUPER intense physical sensation that is squashing. My god… what a thought. So much excitement. So much fear. So much power. Again… the only word I have for it all is magic. She and the power she possesses is sheer magic. Tomorrow was going to go down as a day for the record books.
But… that first encounter wasn’t over just yet.
How About Some Practice?
Fluff steered the conversation toward tomorrow. She handles business super professionally. She said something like, “How about we try some things tonight just to get some practice in. I want to make sure I can do this and you can handle me.”
I was really tired but hell… how could I say no?
A lot of people were requesting trampling. I’ll be honest… I was super doubtful. I have worked with 600 lb women who couldn’t trample. Stepping up onto a human body is super challenging when you’re 600 lbs. Not only from an emotional perspective but also from a physical perspective. It’s hard enough to do steps. But this step – my body – isn’t anywhere near as stable as a wooden or cement step. And when you’re supersized, there’s a real fear of falling. It can be devastating. For these reasons, and more, it’s rare to have a true SSBBW who can actually trample.
Then there was the legitimate fact that the heaviest woman to trample me at that stage was right around 600 lbs. Quite frankly… it felt as if it were near my limits. I could feel my innards struggle to stay intact. It felt very much like things were about to rupture. Or bones were about to break. I often think about and reference this image of GG standing on one foot on my belly to highlight the intensity involved.

All of these experiences I’ve had… this goes down as one of the most intense. GG never quite got her other foot planted on me to distribute her weight more evenly. She was well over 600 lbs here. If memory serves me right… something like 620 lbs. It felt… dangerous… for lack of a better term. Totally overwhelming. I mean… look at how smashed my abdomen was! I was pushing out and flexing my core as hard as I possibly could and yet her foot is nearly to the floor!

Her left foot is lightly setting on my lower rib cage. Notice the difference in height of my ribs compared to my abdomen! Complete and absolute carnage. I know guys fantasize about this. And I’ll be honest… I was in pain and pure glory and pleasure. It was super exciting. But I think a lot of guys think they’ll just take that until the woman chooses to give them mercy. No lie… if I didn’t tap and GG didn’t step off then and there… something bad would’ve happened. Maybe it only would’ve been a hernia or a torn abdominal wall. That’s what felt like was going to happen. But then there’s the internal organs and the spine. Or if she shifted that weight to my lower ribs… ooopphhh!
Anyhow, we’re talking extreme pressure and power here.
And here was Fluff, nearly 300 lbs heavier than GG. Think about what 300 lbs represents. Think about a 300 lb woman! In her own right, she’s big. And heavy. And powerful. In fact, why force you to imagine it. Think about Laydy Em for example. She was right around 300 lbs.

I think you’d agree… that’s a whole lotta woman! Stunning in her own right… no doubt about it. Using round numbers… Fluff is like 3 Laydy Ems! Or like GG with Laydy Em on her back. How in God’s green Earth was I going to handle someone of Fluff’s stature trampling me?
Yet here I was. Sitting on the sliver of mattress Fluff’s large body was affording me in her bedroom. With her saying we should see if we can do trampling. “It’s so crazy to think about standing on someone” she says.
I still hadn’t seen her move from her seated position on her mattress. I wasn’t sure how to even begin the prospect of trying trampling. “Does she need the walker?” “Do I need to help her out of bed?” “Where should I lay?” She interrupted my internal conversation by saying, “Get up and let me get to the edge of the bed.”
She’s very mobile for a woman her size. But not surprisingly, it’s very challenging for a woman who’s nearly 900 lbs to work her way out of the middle of her mattress to the end of her bed. It was in that moment that I realized I was going to be really tested in this shoot. It’s not like I was going to tap and she was going to be off me in the next few seconds. But that was a worry for later. For now, I had to figure out if I was going to have the courage to let this woman stand on me. Or… the intelligence to tell her that it’s not possible.
Once she got to the edge of the bed she instructed me to lay at the foot of it. I got on my back on the concrete floor and for the first time got the perspective of Mz Fluff from the floor looking up from my back. Holy shit. It was mesmerizing and terrifying. Before I could soak it in, though, she had placed her feet on me while she was seated on the mattress.
Now let’s be clear here. At 860 lbs it’s not like you can see beyond your breasts and belly to see what’s going on down by your feet. She had no idea but her thighs are so large that her feet are spread far further than my torso is long. By default, one foot was on my belly and the other was squarely on my throat. I’m not sure if she could feel that or not… but it mattered little. Next thing I know she was sliding more of her weight off the edge of the mattress while sharing more of her load with my body through her feet.
I have no clue how much weight was shifted onto me. I mean, at 860 lbs… her legs alone are heavy. Let’s just say they account for half of her weight just for easy math. That’s 430 lbs. Or 215 lbs per foot. It didn’t take long for me to be completely overwhelmed and to have my vision starting to fade. No joke. I quickly tapped and said we should wait until tomorrow when I was more rested.
Looking back… I regret that move. In the heat of the moment I’m guessing I made the right call. But man alive… in hindsight I wish I would have taken that further. If it’s any consolation, one of our mega fans has offered to throw up a meaningful sum of money to add to the pot for a trample video. We hope to bring that to life some day soon.
After the trampling trial, she did want to try sitting on me on the mattress. She pulled herself up making room for me to lay down on the edge of her bed. She plopped down on me unforgivingly. This proved that she was beautifully dangerous. Even at her immense size she was comfortable throwing her weight around at the onset. It also proved even more that I was in some trouble. Even on the mattress… it was so overwhelming.
And with that… our evening was winding down.
The only other thing that happened was that her friend bailed on us. She never made it there that night and that added another wrinkle to all of this. Would we be able to pull off a solo shoot? It was happening one way or another at this point so whatever. It was time for sleep.
The Next Day – Lights, Camera, Action!
The next morning I made sure I knew what Fluff wanted to eat that day. I ran to the grocery store and picked up things like pie, chips, snacks, etc. While I was busy getting calories in place… she had a “helper” over to help with getting dressed and prepped for the shoot.
Me being me… I was just hoping that the helper would be gone by the time I got there. I’m not big on having people not involved with a shoot present during a shoot. It’s terribly uncomfortable for me. While this isn’t sex and there’s no nudity involved, it’s a high stress situation. I’m in a very vulnerable position. I’m on my back. I’m moaning and groaning. I’m grunting. It’s awkward at times. I don’t need a third party spectating. If it’s someone who’s simply waiting their turn to hop on and squash, too… or even another seat who’s waiting to be “tagged into action,” that’s different. But an outside, unassociated party? No thanks.
To harp on this a bit… I’ve had some issues with it beyond my own discomfort. A boyfriend was present once and I caught him snapping pictures of the content. That’s a big no-no. A husband was there once and he micro-managed everything. A sister was present at one point and she kept laughing at the sounds that were forcefully coming out of my body. If that weren’t enough… she also walked in front of the camera numerous times… and contractually that’s a no no. Anyone who’s on camera needs to sign various agreements for regulation 2257 compliance and video rights purposes. The list goes on. Not a lot of good typically comes from outside parties being present. Ever.
I get it. Sometimes it helps a new model feel safe. But at this stage in the game, Full Weight Productions has been professionally and respectfully handling female models for a decade without any upsets. There’s a long list of women who will vouch for the professionalism. If you’re going to have someone in a shoot with you… make sure it’s another person who’s either doing some squashing or getting squashed!
But I digress…
While I was checking out at the grocery store I was summoned to come over to Fluff’s place. The helper was still present. Grrrr!!!! I walk in and she’s a cute, thick black woman. A friend of Fluff’s who I believe works in nursing or home health care or something like that. She gets paid to help Fluff manage typical things around the house. Once I met her… it was one of the rare times I felt really comfortable with an outside party. So comfortable in fact that I actually attempted to get her involved in the shoot. Having a thick woman would add so much to the shoot. More intensity as she could sit on Fluff’s lap while squashing me. Maybe she could be squashed by Fluff… though that may have been dangerous. Help with pulling Fluff off of me when I tapped. It could have been great.
Fluff even tried to convince her. It simply wasn’t for her, though, unfortunately. It’s understandable. It’s not for everyone! I accepted it and moved on. The helper left and it was just me, Fluff, and a loose setlist to get things done.
Trampling was on there but after my experience the night before and not having anyone else there… without telling her… I allocated that to the end of the setlist. I figured we likely wouldn’t get to it and that way we wouldn’t have to deal with it. Most fibers of my being wanted to experience it. But the wise part of me knew that it was too risky.
Anyhow… the shoot was on.
I won’t highlight each and every video we filmed in this post… but let’s at least discuss a handful.
Having felt the extreme pressure the night before… I wanted to play it safe by starting with a tame video. I urged to start on the sofa. That way the cushions would absorb some of her mass, I’d have a chance to warm up, and I’d familiarize myself with this magnitude of load even more… seeing as how this was uncharted waters for me to navigate. She was cool with it.
She wanted to snack while squashing me. Sure… why not. Heck, that’s exciting to me. And I know a lot of fans enjoy seeing it. Something about a woman obliviously pushing a “victim” to a point of nearly passing out while eating is sexier than hell. That a woman can relax and do absolutely nothing… just sit there… while exerting so much power over another individual is one of the big draws to all of this.

When she first sat on me… I quickly figured out that the sofa wasn’t nearly as forgiving as the mattress from the night before. It was firmer. Shallower, too. I was quickly against the frame of the sofa before she applied even half of her weight.
In addition, while the sofa was built for two people to sit side-by-side… she took up the entire thing herself. I had instant claustrophobia. Like literal claustrophobia. As hot and exciting as it was to have this mega goddess on me… I felt a total loss of control and panic. It didn’t help that she was so wide that she was suffocating me while simultaneously crushing my chest cavity and pressing into my guts. It was total overwhelm.
If you haven’t noticed by now… I’m an anxious person. Knowing this would be the “easiest video” we made and the fact that I was seriously struggling within the first few seconds… I was genuinely worried. I doubted that I’d be able to do a full video… let alone an entire shoot.
I was tapping within seconds. I don’t think Fluff realized just how serious those taps were. I think she assumed I could handle this for a long while. I probably contributed to that confidence since I told her this would be easy for me. Plus, at her size, she’s not someone who’s going to sit down only to pull herself back up every few seconds. My taps went ignored and I struggled to find oxygen.
Eventually she gave me some forgiveness as she crushed the hell out of me. But man alive… as she shifted her weight around on me… it felt like I was flirting with my limits in the very first video.

I had never struggled like this on a sofa squashing. Not even close.
I think the following pictures depict just how large Fluff is. Keep in mind, this is a two-person love seat. And that I’m under there!

You can watch a preview clip or purchase the full video here:
Let me jump to the most intense clip we did. After feeling how heavy she was on the sofa, I was dying to know if I could tolerate her on the famous squash board. It’s extremely unforgiving and I just had to experience what this woman felt like without any interference or reduction that occurs with soft surfaces.
She was far from shy with her weight. I thought she might be a little cautious given the fact that it is a solid surface. Or heck… maybe… just maybe… the board would break. And if it did… it would have catastrophic consequences. I’m not sure how we’d get her up from the floor. And that’s assuming I’d actually survive the board breaking under her. These are the things I was worrying about as she slowly shuffled her way over toward me using her walker.
But no… she showed little concern. To a point where she plopped down and in short order started dancing from her seated position. I could feel my bones crushing. The pressure was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It was in that very moment that I knew trampling would be impossible. Even with her weight spread across her huge butt… the pressure was unbearable. Imagine if that same power and pressure was concentrated to her feet!
Even as I tapped… she continued to sit and dance.

To this point she was mostly sitting on my lower ribs, belly, and pelvis. Quite frankly it was my pelvis I was worried about. It literally felt as if my pelvic bones were on the verge of cracking from the strain. I wanted her to get up… but I feared her moving higher up on my torso. If my pelvis wasn’t okay, my ribs most certainly wouldn’t be! Yet… on one of my final taps Fluff decided to stand up and slide on up toward my head, throat, and ribs.

Here was an 860 lb woman hovering over a very sensitive area of my body. The nerves were high and the anticipation unbearable. If you think Fluff is a goddess based on her pictures, you truly don’t understand the full magnitude of it. When you’re staring up at her as she hovers over you… she’s the definition of perfection. Pretty. Huge. Powerful. All of it.
Then she sat. And oh. My. God.
Yes, her weight was covering my waist to the top of my head. But it was my head that felt most of it. It truly felt as if my skull was going to crack. And my vision faded immediately. I knew I as on the verge of passing out. I passed out in a somewhat similar situation when I found myself under Juicy. This felt very similar… but even more precarious since a) I was on a hard surface and b) Fluff might not realize I had zonked out.
If you watch the video you’ll notice a number of panicked taps. You’ll hear my screams for mercy. There’s no acting there ladies and gentleman. It was sheer, unabated panic and terror. For a squash fan… it was the epitome of perfection. A dream come true. But holy cow… was it intense, too.

You can check out a free preview clip or purchase the entire thing here:
Wrapping Up
I could probably write another 5,000 words. In fact, I know I could… easily. I almost want to… but I also know that no about of explaining will ever do this experience justice.
I could try to explain the epic experience of having Fluff go to town on a warm apple pie while she crushed me in her kitchen.

You can purchase this full video here:
Or I could dive into the crazy experience of having this 860 lb mega beauty facesit me on her bed.

Or how overwhelming it was to have this stunning woman lay on me. I’ve never been a fan of having a woman lay on me as it spreads out her amazing weight too broadly. It’s rarely intense. In this particular case, though, it was panic-inducing.

You can pick up this full bed video here:
Seriously though… words are woefully inadequate to explain this experience. The pictures hopefully do a little better of a job. The videos undoubtedly do. But in truth… nothing comes close to the real thing.
And that’s just it…
Fluff is as real as they come. One of the most astonishingly awesome women I’ve ever met. And that astonishment is from the inside out. Just a beautiful human being that nearly killed me by resting her amazing body on top of me.
It’s something I hope to experience again sooner rather than later.
Great story.
Wish I could feel the pressure of mz fluff also.
She’s a true goddess!
She is for sure.
Hope she read here too and answer.
Would be nice to hear her story too
How do I find you
If that other guy is serious about chipping some extra dollars into the pot for Fluff to do some trampling, I’d add some, too. I would want to have some say over what happens in the video, but if this is a possibility please let me know. One of these mega ssbbw will eventually do some trampling and I would love for it to be Fluff as she’s the best. But I am willing to offer extra money to see any one of them do it – Vanilla Hippo, Echo, Fluff, etc. I don’t understand how we haven’t seen any of them doing it yet.
Hello. magnificent job. I did not imagine this. This is a impressive story. Thanks!
Merely wanna admit that this is invaluable, Thanks for taking your time to write this.